My personal collection-Nemonic 

Nemonic-Etherial-Identity, I'm not telling. Race-Lacking humaniod features and expressions. There, that's all you need to know. To ask a question

10 posts 2 followers 1 following

Beta: Post to Loforo Bookmarklet

We have a beta/prototype "Post to Loforo" bookmarklet. If you'd like to test it, drag-and-drop the link below into your browser's bookmark toolbar (see the bottom of this post to learn how to add it on iPhone/Android browsers like Chrome and Safari):

Post to Loforo


After you've added the bookmarklet to your toolbar, click it while on a page that has content you want to post to Loforo and we'll try to do the magic to get the right image/video/embed code added to the Create post form. Again, this is considered "beta" and offers limited functionality (for example, it will only pick 1 image/video from the page instead of letting you pick 1 or more images). It also has custom support for a number of sites like Youtube, giphy, gfycat, Thumbsnap, etc) -- for sites it doesn't recognize, it will fallback to posting a plain link to the page you're on. Read More »

Reposted from blog


I find erotic content with monsters a tasteful and elegant idea, I think more people should do it. 


I find a little bit intruiging that journaling is an often used trope in horror material and suspense, as well as found footage. I do find the topic a bit tiresome at times I'll admit, but it can be interesting to how it links to real life. For whatever reason, certain people write about themselves in a failed attempt to save or potray their legacy. At the same time, I can't help but marvel at the effort they put in. Occasionally, I've found books by such individuals by pure happen- stance. They are quite in-depth and very personal. I do feel...sadness towards the pain and suffering they seem to have felt as it was being recorded. They're usually a bit scratched up, either because of book detoriation or due to paranoia echoed in the writing. Something about it seems so genuine compared to rushed feel-good auto biographies. I usually learn a lot about a person from such entries and often times, I wonder if they are still out there. Others, I have a clear sense that they didn't quite make it, but I'm willing to be wrong.  Read More »

Why did anyone even use Tumblr?

I drafted through lots of website series and personal web log platforms and through my search I accidentally heard of this site known as "Tumblr". I didn't use it, obviously. The first thing that stood out to me was the name. What even is a Tumblr? Granted, this web site has a strange name too, but it is at least easy for me to remember and understand. For clarification, this site is rather basic. I only chose it since this site could be made with a burner email and password and anything more advanced would require my location. The internet and privacy are practically antonyms these days. I remember a time before all this and before Tumblr, where you had to actually publish your work publically to get a word. Times sure has changed since then. Reflection on the world aside, I got interested in such a strange web site with such a peculiar name. I found how the site had banned the, * Read More »

Internet usage

Sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't be allowed with an internet connection. Yet, I have one better.. I think that's an issue more for others than myself though.

You know, having your mouth and your nose in proximity to each other is very, very flawed. No wonder humans are plagued with disease. Such a trivial matter follows them throughout all of their existence which is why they dedicate their lives to cures and medicines. I find that rather facinating, not because of bodily orientation itself as that holds little interest. More on the topic of one crucial design flaw in human anatomy caused so much break through and advancement in one's intellect. Technically, this even leads back to myself as a lot of advancement in the world around lead to me getting more aware of myself and other people. If such a world where to exist where a more efficient system was designed like say, perhaps simple nostrils like in Monkeys? No that would still lead to disease, wouldn't it. Or mayble something akin to a blow hole in a whale? I can't imagine that however. Nevertheless, what world would be in had things been different. Would humans be less intelligent? Is it the drive that funds science the path to intelligence or is it the need? So many, questions. I'm still unsure..Also, I'm not sure what to title this so I'll probably just leave this as just the entry by itself. I can't possibly think on what I could label this. Maybe my audience could give me some suggestions. Read More »

Facial expressions?

Perhaps another strange and undesired observation I just recounted to myself. Human facial expressions, now..Besides the, nature of the face and..The constructs that apply to it in how it moves and well, works. One thing I find really off putting about a human's facial expression, is just how strange or at times hideous they can look when frieghtened. I find no real point in show casing or having an uncontrollable response to convey fear. Of course in a hunter gatherer society, such things were necessary at a point but times have changed. Even then, not everyone would be around the individual so being afraid to alert anyone is very irrational when not a single person is present. Besides being an unpleasent occurence to have in one's form, it shows more and more how human evolution is pointing in the direction of show casing emotion and ignoring the values of pure stoicism. In such a society were humans were more advanced, they wouldn't show much facial expression like other creatures. Lions for example, can look or act afraid but don't look merely as ridiculous in comparson. But perhaps, that's just me. Read More »


Hello...Is this thing on?? This is a blog, I suppose..I wanted to keep up with my writing to understand 'humans' better. Not that would help me much. My identity will remain unknown, good luck on you for actually finding it. I'll continue to update my post collection slowly and steadly. I'm a very busy person, and I'd rather my audience not ask for much. I'm not too easily annoyed or anamoured by requests. If you must ask a request from me, then quietly message me directly. Otherwise, I'll likely not respond and ignore your comment.


This blog was created as a way to accurately potray how I feel and behave, a way of writing and understanding the world around me. I've been socially isolating myself for far too long, and it isn't very healthy.